Sunday, December 21st, 2008
Issue: 105   Editor: Mikamon

New NJ State Don: IceWrath OvermindEV2

With the promotion of the previous New Jersey State Don, SixtySix, the spot was quickly taken by IceWrath, our new New Jersey State Don. “It felt great when reaching the rank. I created the account a year ago, and became more active since he started to play the game more and more,” IceWrath told the Buzz

We were interested in his plans for the future, he said, “just having fun as I used to have before I reached the rank of State Don.” We also asked him if he thought he would ever reach the rank of State Don. He replied, "Well I have thought of it a lot. But I never thought I would make it, but I did my best and voila, here I am."

“I can’t really remember when I first started to play, probably about 5 years ago,” IceWrath said, telling us when his Bootleggers career first started. He added, “But I stopped after a few months and since September 2007, I started to play again.”

In a final question at the end of the interview – who would you like to thank in your Bootleggers career? With the last reply “I'd like to thank Cassiopeia for always being a good friend, feelthefire for helping me to claim the rank of State Don by OC-ing with me. And of course all the people who congratulated me with my new rank who are listed on my profile.”

The Buzz wishes him best of luck in his future of Bootleggers. And thanks him for answering this questions.