Sunday, March 1st, 2009
Issue: 115   Editor: DoubleAgentNyxxie

Samurai's Guide to the New Kill System SamuraiReturnsX

Samurai’s Guide to the New Kill System

This is just s rough guide to what I have discovered from some experiments I did on my own. There are some things that I have honestly no clue about, such as the police response and how crew shooting takes place. So what you take from it is your choice. Let’s go!

First off, one of the main differences is the fact that there are more than one detective to choose from. They are as follows:
Detectives Hourly Cost Number of Free Calls Price per Extra Call
Gianni Rizzo $10,000 10 $1,000
Anna DiGracio $25,000 5 $2,500
Vincente Paolozzi $50,000 8 $5,000
Carlotta Marioni $100,000 3 $10,000
Luigi Vespucci $250,000 6 $25,000

These are in Order from best to worst, to give you a rough idea It took me over 5 hrs to find someone with Gianni, well using Luigi I have found people in an hour and a half. Vincente is pretty much like the old detective taking no more than 4hrs and possible to find people in as little as 2, 2 1/2hrs. The new detective system is much different than the old one in a variety of ways. You can potentially find someone in 15mins if you are lucky, every 10mins or so you can call your detective to see if they have an update on the location of you victim. They will tell you if there is nothing new to report. But the less time you give them to search, the less likely it is that they found your target.

For instance, I could be searching for someone and in twenty minutes call my detective. They will most likely give you an update like, “I believe [username] is hiding out in a safehouse in Michigan.”. Now this may be true, and I can attempt to shoot them at this point, but more than likely you will get a message like this “you attempted to shoot [username], but he or she wasn’t there!”. The longer you search the more likely your detectives updates will be accurate. When you get an update that says, “I am in Michigan and I can see [username] right now!”, it is 100% sure that they are there (if they haven’t traveled away that is). You can still attempt to shoot them any time you have an update, so it is possible to kill them much sooner than when the detective is sure, but it’s a risk. I attempt to shoot them if it says they are in the state I am currently in, otherwise I wouldn’t risk it.

One other thing to remember is that if you don’t call the detective you can’t get an update, so you can’t just put up a search for four hours go to sleep and expect to find them in the morning. You have to call your detective before the search expires, or you will have wasted your time.
One other thing to keep in mind is you can have numerous searches up for the same person. Each detective can search for the same person. Though you can’t have the same detective searching for the person twice.
With the new Self Preservation feature you can now choose to run away or stand in fight. This gives you the opportunity to shoot back and possibly kill your shooter and/or police. Though, you can only shoot back if you survive the initial barrage of bullets. You can set it to stay and fight to a certain percent of health or to the death. Or you can choose to runaway as soon as the initial bullets have been shot. I believe that you can only be shot by the police if you choose to stand and fight. I have killed my share of people and have never been hurt (Health-wise, not Protection wise) and I have my setting on runaway. Another thing to think about is that no matter who you kill, or how many bullets you use after you kill someone your protection health will be reduced drastically regardless.

Also it takes at least 12hrs to repair protection, and your protection will be at 0% well repairing, but you can kill people while your protection is repairing. You can also pay points to repair your protection immediately, but the higher lever protection you have the more it costs.
Ex. 25pts to repair a Reinforced Dues, and it cost 35pts to repair an armored caddy.

Well that’s all for now, and feedback, comment or suggestions would be nice. I am working on getting it more up to date as soon as I can