Sunday, March 29th, 2009
Issue: 119   Editor: Mikamon

The Kill Update QuatroStaggioniX

I thought the kill update was a very nice update !
I still like some parts of it ,
but recently I found out something I didn't like about it.
You can nowadays kill someone within 10 minutes.
You just hire 5 detectives call them even when it is unlikely he already found the target for sure !
He will now tell you that target XXX is maybe in Michigan. You travel to Michigan and try to shoot. But he isn't there. When he isn't there you call all of your detectives again untill they found him for example in New Jersey this time. And you use 10 points to travel again. After doing this a few times you will be able to kill the target. This way you will always be able to shoot someone you want to kill in about 5-10min. That means since there is a recovery time no sdon or ndon could take over a crew without risking being shot after 1 or 2 kills. That is why I say there needs to be a minimum of atleast 1 or maybe 2 hours before you can call your detective.

~ QuatroStaggioniX