Sunday, July 20th, 2008
Issue: 83   Editor: JamesDean

Bootleggers Poll! KayaG

Welcome to the results! Each week there will be an analysis of the poll followed by the poll for the next week. We’ve had a a total of 220 votes over the course of a week which gives striking insight into where opinions lie.

We can clearly see that the majority of Bootleggers feel that there isn’t a need for a reset. I actually received a number of BMs regarding this question. People suggested that I should have included another option being, “There is no need for a reset, but there are problems…” That said, we’ll delve a bit deeper into the issues surrounding a reset. This all makes one wonder if that significant 30% whom feel a reset is needed will rise. In the coming weeks we will return to this question to see which direction people are swaying.

Here we begin to see what seems to be the theme of the poll, a very varied range of opinion. The instatement/reinstatement of staff affects some players more than others and I was curious to see what people thought of the return of Andy. It seems that a reasonable amount of the population believes that there aren’t currently appropriate HDOs for the job of moderator and if there were that Sabin would see this and take the next steps. Following with 26% we see an extremely different opinion, with people believe that HDOs are worthy, but Andy does have past experience and is just as legitimate. I found it to be very interesting that 24% said “Who Cares?” This proves to be a very valid argument for a normal player.

Booze is now more complex! Exciting right? Well, there seems to be a large split in feelings regarding this reworked feature. 32% like the new feature and believe it’s positive while 30% are on the fence and only seeing what the future brings for this feature will sway their opinions. There is a dead split at the end between people who don’t like the feature and people who feel that it’s a good feature, but money issues make it difficult to use. It seems we can make the conclusion that the majority of Bootleggers feel that the feature has potential and is good, but it will take time to really tell.

While we have a hearty chuck of the population being regular listeners of BootCast, 57%, we also see 34% of people who question the validity of such a feature. As a listener of BC this makes me wonder what it is that people really don’t like about it, you can expect to see follow-up questions regarding this. What amazed me the most about this question was that there is still a percentage of the population who has no idea what BootCast is! For those people, check out BootCast here:

Lately I’ve noticed tons of topics being created about the issue of “Rankism”. With as many complaints as I have seen regarding this I was very surprised at the response. 42% of people say that there is not an issue with rankism whatsoever and that people tend to complain too much when they can’t have their way, while another 41% feels that it exists, but not to the extent that people state. This brings us to the conclusion that perhaps it’s just another way for people to complain about something rather than playing the game and working hard like they should be.

This simple question has always interested me. If I had to bet money I would of said that people felt greed was high, but by the looks of this survey we see that 58% feel that greed exists, but it should, to maintain the balance of the game. Coming in second with 29% we see the paranoid section of Bootleggers, myself included. Lately there has been a rash of people claiming to be others trying to get money, or trying to get hitlisted on a dupe so the dupes’ owner can kill and collect the money. With all this going on, how can one feel comfortable giving out money if someone is just waiting to scam you.

While we see that 57% of the respondents felt that the feature for use by the general public might be a mistake, we also see that 36% of people feel that it could be a really beneficial tool. It seems people are afraid that this is going to do away with any kind of decent/or otherwise conversation. It seems to me that if you’re kicked out of a topic unjustly then you are able to create another and be the bigger person in the conversation. If people continually KO people, I don’t think there would be too much interest in their topics.

Here is the link to this week’s survey! If you have any ideas/suggestions please feel free to BM me. If you feel that there is a question you’d like to see peoples opinion on or more specific details about, don’t hesitate to drop me a line.