Sunday, August 3rd, 2008
Issue: 85   Editor: JamesDean

Keno Bug MikaPika

Alongside with the change of Roulette, the Keno script was also updated. This update, however, resulted in bugs rather then visible improvements. It wasn't long before the players noticed and topics regarding it started to roam the Game Forum. Players simply noting the Keno bug but also players wanting a rollback because of the losses some had due to the bug.

The bug appeared to be a glitch in the Keno system, enabling players to easily win a Keno by simply hitting 5 numbers or more. The owner would lose his casino, even when he or she had enough money on hand. This resulted in many owners losing their casinos while having enough money on hand, causing confusion and even more topics on the Game Forum. All of this gave players that used the bug to opportunity to gain money or points by selling the Keno they had won.

After a while, the moderator VooDooDoll created a Game Forum Sticky to inform the players that the staff was aware of the Keno bug and that the Admins had been notified. To find out more, I contacted Sweetie. “The bug/glitch was passed on to the admins to get looked at,” she said. “At this time it hasn't been confirmed if its fixed or not.” To her own regret, there was no more information for Sweetie to pass to the Buzz.

In addition to the information given by Sweetie, Sabin also gave information. He further explained the consequences of the bug and how the current situation is. “The bug has been temporarily resolved,” he said, “but we've been finding occasional occurrences here and there. We are still working to correct it on a more permanent basis.”
He also answered the question about a rollback and kindly explained why there hasn't been one yet. “There is currently no plan for a rollback, as most of the false winnings have been handled appropriately (people giving back the kenos, or the original owners winning them back),” he said. “However, that decision will be made final when the problems are fixed.”

With Sabin's explanation, everything has been covered. The problem has been found and fixed for now and we can be sure it'll be permanently fixed later on. Hopefully, the Keno bug has gone from us for good.