Sunday, September 14th, 2008
Issue: 91   Editor: NYX2000

Resistance Versus the Wealthy MysticMika

This Saturday, zak24, a member of Resistance, opened fire and killed a several players. The reason for his shootings was an attempt to lower the total amount of money that was currently in the game. Shooting a total of 203,000 bullets and killing ten people, zak24 succeeded in letting the total amount of money drop from $349,116,264,138 (with an average of $4,625,895 per player) to $341,175,130,896 (with an average of 4,520,912 per player).

The Buzz caught up with zak24 and asked him several questions about his shootings. “I shot N. Rich people. Because money is going up, and points are expensive too,” he said. “I tried to lower the prices.” As for selecting the targets, he told the Buzz: “All N. Rich were casinos holder, or some banking dupes. All were picked randomly.” The entire Resistance crew could be held responsible for the shootings, according to zak24. He also told us about the funds he used, “I used 60k bullets. and 3k points. Many others were found too.. but we didn't shoot. We left them for the big show with the high ranks.”

“Yes,” he said. “There is a big big show that we are arranging since long time. This show will be disaster for many. We'll be making it our best.” What this show is remains unknown. However, we do know that there is more to expect from Resistance in the future. “All crews are easy targets for us. So don't talk too much, we may ignore some crews but who helps Club Boogie or any one have CB pictures on his profile will die. Promise,” zak24 told us, ending his interview.

In the end, several people ended up dead and we saw quite some money disappear from the game. Apart from that, we also have some 'information' about possible shootings to come. Resistance's so called 'big show'. What it'll be? We don't have a clue except for the fact that we can expect more shootings to come. When it will happen and who will get shot remains a mystery. Just stay tuned, we're bound to find out one day.