Sunday, September 14th, 2008
Issue: 91   Editor: NYX2000

Strictly Business hit with a Bullet Crunch LDub

Around 2:20PM Boot time on the 9th September, everything was relatively quiet and it seemed to be another peaceful day. However, just minutes later, Strictly Business, a strong crew full of high ranked accounts started to be shot.

The shooter, Muertos (A.K.A Stepz) shot 27 high-ranked Strictly Business Accounts including 5 Legendary Don accounts leaving them extremely weak. They managed to keep a hold of the crew and I was able to catch up with the killer to ask him some questions before he himself was shot.

I started off by asking whether there was any real reason for attacking Strictly Business, to which he replied, "They shot a good friend of mine which is also member of The Triad". He further added, "TT and SF had a lot conflicts in the past, we ended up taking their spot and it took a long time for them to get back on stats. We promised ourselves and SF that when they would have a spot again we would hit them and here we are...". He also mentioned they planned to wipe the whole crew leaving the spot to drop and when asked why there were problems in doing so, he said that "2 members survived, probably messed up the bullet counts. Hard to concentrate after a long of college lol."

The amount of bullets used in the attack came to 763,000 which he mentioned were "all bought from bullet factories".

Finally I asked him to mention anything else he wanted to say, and he replied,"Maybe this take over failed, but this won�t stop us. We will just carry on till we have seen enough blood, which is never".

Some of you may be wondering, as I was at first, why the shooter referred to SF (Sempre Famiglia) in reasons for his shooting of Strictly Business. I later caught up with him to find out about what he meant. When asked how the two related, he replied, "well.. SB is based on SF" and went onto say, "the people who led SF (Kinky, Diesel etc ) made a new crew.. basically only a new name". Despite a different name, the shooter believes that those who created SF, went on to change to Strictly Business and so he carried their feuds over from earlier on in previous rounds.

So, an attempted wipe from The Triad wasn't quite enough to reach their intended goal of wiping them completely, but with them slightly weaker than before, now would be quite a good time to strike again. Whether this will happen in the near future, only time will tell.