Sunday, October 5th, 2008
Issue: 94   Editor: NYX2000

Welcome The Risen Shadow! RonBurgundy

Another new crew appeared on the Statistics page on 4th October, this one named The Risen Shadow. A seemingly unheard of crew had made it to the Stats page, but how? The Buzz caught up with the holder of the crew, MrSilence, to ask how they came to occupy such a spot.

When asked how exactly they came to have attained the spot, he replied "I came home from my weekend job. And I saw they where shooting crews I thought I'd go to the Crew page", and further added, "So I clicked Crew, I typed name and a few minutes later, I made my own crew".

Unfortunately, he went offline before we could ask what his plans were to do with the Spot but a little bit of lucky timing and a new crew has been born for the cheap price of what seems to be $10,000,000.

Whether anything will happen to the crew or to their crewspot is yet to be seen, but for now, everryone here at The Buzz welcomes The Risen Shadow to The Stats!