Sunday, February 21st, 2010
Issue: 16   Editor: Mika

Buzz Sound Off! Nyxxie

This week's topic is about this reset starting with thirty crews. At first, players allowed this change in with opened arms, but it seems the ties have changed only 5 months into the reset.

What do you think about having THIRTY crew spots this reset? Do you think it is hurting the game or do you like it the way it is? How many crews are just enough?

There isn't enough people playing the game for 30 crews. 15 crews max! ~ DoomSpell

It's unfair to take away peoples crew spots. Set a date where after a crew gets wiped there will be no spot to pick up till there are 25 crews left and take it from there. If there is still no action set another date for 20 crews. ~ Gusto

Less crew spots would be better for the game play. I liked it better with 10 but 15 would be acceptable as well. ~ SixRounds

30 crews is far too much. Less crews would be much funnier. See all the wipes and war going on. Not this bs, with 30 crews. It means it's not in any way hard to get in a crew or own a crew. I want to see 15 crews and some action like back in the days ~ IGotBanned4NoReason

There is no competition for the crewspots. Maybe in the old days where there was an average of 2k online players it would have worked better then it does now. ~ Spitter

There is far to many crews leading to less crew wipes due to the fact there being so many spots for crews to fill, it takes the specialness of having a stats crew away as it is not much of an achievement with there being so many. ~ Smig

30 is too much, this round should have started with the same amount of crewspots as we had last round, 15. More then enough as we all see every day. ~ Midway

Less players, more crews, less action, less pointuse, less point buying, less profit for the big boss! ~ GamePro

Crew wipes are too easy these days anyway nothing like the old an the easyer it is i think you need more crew spots or youll destroy the whole idea of having crews in the first place. they will just be constant battlefield's with the fairer players losing out and the dupers winning overall. ~ Lew

I think thirty crewspots is too much. I found the amount understandable at the beginning of the round as BSF probably assumed a lot of former players would be returning, thus a larger amount of spots would be needed and would not decrease the competition over a spot.

However, the majority of the players that were hoped to return did not, and as a result the competition over a crewspot equals nill. Thus I think it would only be fitting if adjustments were made.
~ Mika

I think that given the climate of player numbers and the economic state of the game, I think that a reduction in the number of crew spots is essential. There is little to no competition for crewspots and is effectively becoming a defunct part of the game. With there being less crew spots, competition for spots would increase and can really only have a positive impact on the game. ~ Accumilator

I think being in a crew should be a privilege, another goal in the game that you actually have to work towards. With so many crews, there are constantly recruiting topics as it is currently difficult to get new members. With crews actively seeking new members, making the goal of being part of a crew fairly easy to reach if you put your mind to it, that makes being part of a stat crew no longer as elite an aspect of the game as it has been in the past. This also makes increasing your crew size a non-necessary item as you need a fair number of active members for this to work in your favor, example MF leaving stats as they couldn’t get the members to pay for their larger spot. ~ MzBetty