Sunday, November 30th, 2008
Issue: 102   Editor: NyxxieV30

The Grudge Against Resistance Trucido

Just a few days after the crew The Legends was sold, one of their loyal members, PaintChip, introduced The Grudge to the Statistics page. No one would assume that the alliance made between The Legends and Resistance would ensure any and all loyal members of TL protection by Resistance.

Well in this case, this was not so. As fast as the crew appeared on the Statistics page, so fast was its wipe. The crew was new schooled by Resistance, who clearly did not think The Grudge was worthy enough to be an official crew as upon taking it over the crew profile stated, and I quote: The Noobest Crew we ever took over was The Grudge! Noobs don't deserve getting on stats

The crew spot later on changed hands more then three times, until it was finally occupied by a crew we all know, The Plague.