Sunday, July 8th, 2007
Issue: 30   Editor: MsNyxxie

R.I.P. threads – outdated or showing respect? Arda

They can be seen every day, especially when a major shootout has just occurred. Used to pay respect to those fallen in battle or even to acquire other useful information, but there are still people who believe they are becoming useless and outdated. But would that really be the case? Read on and find out!

One should wonder if the positive sides outweigh the downsides. Fact is that R.I.P. threads can flood the Game Forum, true enough. They make other threads harder to find and/or read causing a lot of annoyance amongst players who don't care about the players that got killed.

Try to think about it. How often does that actually happen? There are times that a lot of BL blood and bullets are spilled. On an average day there aren't that many R.I.P. topics and the Game Forum is readable without being bothered with them. Those were the downsides that people could think of. Not that many really. But now, lets take a look at the positive sides of these threads. There are plenty!

A R.I.P. topic is used to pay respect to the player that got killed. Friends can use it to search for the witness statement and often the statement is also posted in the thread. Now that the Game Forum isn't cleaned every now and then, most topics are there for at least a couple of days giving players that aren't that active a chance to catch up. In a topic on the Game Forum regarding R.I.P. threads everyone was all-out positive. The majority doesn't think R.I.P. threads are annoying. Useless? You've got to be kidding!
“I like them... When I don't get online for long periods... I like to be able to read back and see who is dead, what their new names are and stuff like that,” SlipperyWhenWet said.

Another reason for people to reply positively about R.I.P. threads is that R.I.P. threads are used to pay respect to the player that died. They are useful that way as long as other people don't start posting insulting things in the topics.
In the thread mentioned earlier there were also some people that wouldn't mind seeing a forum for R.I.P. threads. This would keep the Game Forum clean and it would also mean that people that don't like seeing R.I.P. topics wouldn't be bothered with them.

On one thing virtually everyone agreed on: R.I.P. topics outdated? No way!