Sunday, October 12th, 2008
Issue: 95   Editor: NYX2000

The Return of Winter Hill Gang Mikamon

After a short absence, this Wednesday marked Winter Hill Gang's (WHG) return to the statistics. The well known crew replaced The Deadly Knights (TDK), who had decided to sell their spot for reasons of their own.

The Buzz contacted the crewholder at the time, TheRealWadjet, and one of WHG's crewbosses, Telfort. Both kindly answered some questions for the Buzz. TheRealWadhet told the Buzz that “TDK came to us. We accepted the offer.” Telfort continued, “Winter Hill Gang, mainly vibie, one of the current bosses along side me (Gusto) and Franchise, paid 4000 points for the current spot,” Telfort told the Buzz.

He also confirmed the same bosses were still there. “Same bosses with 2 existing members been made council,” he said. “As for our plans we'll just have a laugh for now.” TheRealWadjet also added, “Franchise, Gusto and Vibie are the bosses. The plan is to stay.” Winter Hill Gang is not an unknown crew. Having been on the statistics a couple of times before, people will know what to expect of this crew.

Previous appearances were made possible by the late Nation Don, FishyFish. Back then, WHG mainly appeared to the statistics for very short amounts of time and with the sole reason to sell their spot. This time, however, seems to be different. WHG has wisely used the time to rank and organize members, making sure this stay will be lasting longer then the last two short ones.

WHG is back and we say goodbye to TDK. As it stands, one well known crew has replaced the other. The future is unknown but we wish WHG good luck with their spot and hope they will stay on the statistics for a while.