Sunday, November 2nd, 2008
Issue: 98   Editor: Mikamon

Are UG Crews More Usefull? HiddenDanger

As being apart of an UG crew, and being on the stats on and off, I start to wonder; Is being in an underground crew better than being on the stats?

Maybe when you're on the stats you are respected, known and possibly have more friends, but are these people more loyal than if you were UG?

I have noticed with being in an UG crew, you get to know your crew mates better. You get to trust people more. You end up being able to share more wealth and ideas of how to become stronger.

When I was on stats, I found that I didn't know many of the people and I didn't know who was who. The forum was very unorganized and wasn't very informative.

When you're on stats, you're more likely to get shot or shot at. You're not as safe and more known, but is that a positive or a negative?

Now, I know that this may not apply to every crew, but I have heard some of these things from a lot of people that have previously been on stats, but this may just be a personal like/ dislike.

I have nothing against any crew or the way bootleggers sets crews up, but if I solely had a choice to be on stats or stay UG, I would stay as an UG crew.
