Sunday, June 20th, 2010
Issue: 33   Editor: HowlingMadMika

Event Horizon Rise Again BuzzLew

This week in the Buzz we pay witness to yet another attack on Event Horizon, this was to be the third time they have been shot at within a week. This time around it was third time unlucky, as unexpectedly an independent shooter was their downfall and not The Syndicate, whom shot them the previous times last week without any reward. Last week, the Buzz reported that there were only four Boss+ accounts within the crew, who were legitimate holders of the crew spot if the boss should die. This amount has rose to six before all were shot and killed, hence the crew dropping due to no legitimate holders being available.

The Buzz caught up with shooter Nes, who claimed to have no affiliation with any crew. We asked Nes why he shot Event Horizon. He replied with, “for shooting random accounts, they killed my friends.” Furthermore we went on to ask if this was just a one off mission of revenge. “I wish to see EH again so I can shoot them again,” he said.

Event Horizon instantly rose from the dead. After their spot dropped, another crew appeared in the name of “Event Horizon.” We caught up with HanLubsNummy, Council of Event Horizon, to see how this quick recovery was possible. ”JinzoV5, A friend of Koty(an EH member), offered to pick up the spot for us, so I sent him some money and here we are, back on stats,” he told the Buzz. So it seems Event Horizon are here to stay once again, but for how long will their reign last. Keep checking the stats page and of course future Buzz issues to find out all the details.