Auto Theft

From Bootleggers Wiki

Auto Theft

Auto Theft allows players the chance to steal cars of various rarity and value.

Stolen cars will have a range of miles and damage. Each car will have different stats that determine Travel Fatigue, Smelt Value, Sell Value, Booze Capacity and OC success rate. Special cars may offer an OC multiplier.

Auto Theft uses Criminal Energy or Mastermind Energy depending on which Auto Theft you choose. Increasing your Auto Theft skill will improve your success rate when stealing cars. Some weapons also improve your chance of stealing cars. The maximum level you can reach for Auto Theft is level 20.

Low Income Neighborhood

Prestige 1 and 2 cars can be found here. The mileage and damage may be higher here.

Milk trucks can be found in the morning hours based on the players local time.

Middle Class Neighborhood

   1. Prestige 1 cars with lower mileage and damage

   2. Prestige 2 cars with lower mileage/damage than gained from previous auto theft.

   3. Some prestige 3 cars with high mileage.

Milk trucks can be found in the morning hours (06:00-10:00) based on the players local time.

Downtown 5-Star Hotel

   1. Some prestige 2 cars

   2. Prestige 3 cars with low mileage/damage

   3. Prestige 4 and 5 cars can be obtained very rarely

Fine Dining Restaurant

   1. Prestige 3 cars appear frequently

   2. Prestige 4 cars appear less often but not rarely

   3. Prestige 5 cars appear from time to time. Semi rare.

See cars for details about all cars in the game.

Auto Theft Skill

Auto theft skill works to upgrade your auto theft success percentage

Unlike crimes, you don't have to work on an individual auto theft option to upgrade its skill percentage - instead you have to get your Auto Theft Skill level up... all Auto Theft attempts will add to your skill level, the more you do - the higher your skill will be.

At Auto Theft Skill level 7~ you will find that the Low Income Neighborhood option is consistently 50% success rate...

At Auto Theft Skill level 13, you will find that Middle Class Neighborhood is consistently 50% success rate.

At Auto Theft Skill level 17, you will see that the 5-star downtown hotel is consistently at a 50% success rate...

As you can see, you don't have to do the individual auto theft options to upgrade the success rate. Your overall skill will do that.

The final option, Fine Dining Restaurant, is one you cannot visualise but I'll try and explain a little more about it...

This option will always remain <1%, however it will also continually improve til level 20 (max). The success % also changes dependant on the car which is available...

For example (these figures may not be accurate, but represent how it works)

- a limousine pulls up

- if you have auto theft skill to level 10, you will have a 0.5% chance of stealing it

- if you have auto theft skill to level 20, you'll have a 0.9% chance of stealing it.

Both the same car, both different %, both <1%.

Another example, with a rarer car... if a Phaeton LaRue was to pull up...

- if you have an Auto Theft Skill of level 10, you'll have a 0.1% chance of stealing it.

- if you have an Auto Theft Skill of level 20, you'll have a 0.3% chance of stealing it.

Again, both scenarios are the same car, and both % are <1%. However, this time we can see it is much less likely to steal this car versus the limo.