
From Bootleggers Wiki

You’ll end up here if caught by the cops


The security level of each jail is determined by the activity at that jail. You may find yourself behind bars after an encounter with the police, but no worries someone can attempt to bust you out at any time. To attempt busting another player out of jail you must not be in jail yourself. Simply go to the jail page and select "Bust Out" next to their name. You may also attempt to escape jail yourself. Attempting to escape may fail or give you a chance to evade being sent to lock up. While in lockup you may not attempt to escape or have someone bust you out. Only spending 1 gold or waiting for your time to expire will get you out of here.

The shield icon will illuminate gold if there is someone in jail in your current city.

Bust Parties

Bust parties are hosted by players in the Game Forum. Hosting a bust party will cost $5,000 to start and donations can be made to the pot by going to the Local Bank and sending money to the pot account or by clicking on the pot account in the game forum topic. Gold can also be pledged to the bust party. The host may disallow donations and self busting if they choose. The host also decides when to start the bust party and if their busting stats will be displayed. Bust parties are held in the City in which the player was in when they created the bust party. Once a bust party begins the host can enter jail for a random amount of time by clicking the button at bottom of the jail page titled "Put me in jail". Once a bust party has concluded, the host may choose which method to distribute the pot by visiting their game forum topic.


The leaderboards display the top 100 busters each week starting on Monday and ending on Sunday. The 3 categories for the leader boards are Busting, Time Removed and Highest Streak. A prize is awarded to those with the top 3 most busts. 1st place receives 300 gold, 2nd place receives 150 gold and 3rd place receives 75 gold.

Jail Yard

The Jail yard is a less efficient place to train Gymnasium stats. Each Jail Yard has its own holder of the keys. To become holder of the keys you must have 5% more iron pumped than the current holder. Iron pumped is calculated as Strength Gain x (Strength Level + 1). The Holder of the keys can choose up to 5 inmates a day to have beat up. A player can only be beat up once per day in each city. Being beat up causes 50-75% of HP and protection damage.