
From Bootleggers Wiki

The home of organisations

Crews & Gangs


There are two types of Organisations in Bootleggers: Crews and Gangs. The list of created organisations can be viewed on the Statistics page. Once created for the first time, an item is awarded to the original creator called The Organisation Books, this is an item that can be used to recreate the organisation any time from the crew page, blocking others from taking the name. Organisation Books can be transferred in escrow thereby transferring the creator rights, or dropped altogether freeing up the name again. If you hold any set of organisation books you cannot make a new organisation other than the one you hold the books for.

It is possible for organisations to take part in and win enormous prizes during Revenue Scoring periods.


Crews are typically more powerful organisations with access to better perks, for this reason there can only be a maximum of 10 existing at any one time. You can start a crew or upgrade to a crew from a gang if there is a spot available and you are ranked Boss (Ranks) or higher.

A crew requires a weekly graft payment to be made, failure to keep up with the payments will disband the crew. The graft can be paid from the crew bank. The bank can be donated to by members manually, as well as having 10% of Bootlegging, crimes, OC, car sales, rackets, missions and assignments revenue automatically taken from members and going to the bank. $75m is always kept safe in the bank in case of your organisation being dropped, above that figure, 10% is given in loot to the shooter and 90% of the remaining unprotected amount is dropped.

Crews will be dropped to a gang if The Capo is whacked and there is no eligible successor to take over which also results in a 12 hour cooldown to reclaim a new spot. This frees up a space for a gang to upgrade. Capos of crews cannot leave the crew or suicide within 3 hours of a member being whacked.

Each player part of an organisation has the option to hide their affiliation in their Profile, thereby hiding them from the public view of being attached to that organisation. However for those inside Crews the full roster of a crew can be identified using a Private Investigators.

If you join a crew your Protection will be removed.

Not being able to have a protection status and not being able to completely hide your affiliation is balanced out by some perks for crews:

  • Crews have layers, each layer has a different amount of members in it, if you attempt to whack someone before 50% of the layer below them is dead, you will die instantly in backfire, this affords crews some element of protection, keeping important members safe, perhaps those holding a property.
  • Crews can also gain income from crimes undertaken in a city that they run, see City Control for more information.

Gangs are typically less powerful organisations. There are an unlimited amount of gang spots available. You can create a gang if you are ranked Gangster or higher (Ranks). Gangs must always have a leader otherwise this will result in the gang disbanding. Gangs must also have 5+ Gangster ranked members, if a gang is under this amount for 24 hours, it will be disbanded.

Gangs require no ongoing payment to exist.

The bank can be donated to by members manually, as well as having 10% of Bootlegging, crimes, car sales, rackets, missions and assignments revenue automatically taken from members and going to the bank. $75m is always kept safe in the bank in case of your organisation being dropped, above that figure, 10% is given in loot to the shooter and 90% of the remaining unprotected amount is dropped.

Each player part of an organisation has the option to hide their affiliation in their Profile, thereby hiding them from the public view of being attached to that organisation. Gang members have no chance of being revealed should they choose this option.

You can be in a gang and still acquire a Protection status.


If you are not currently part of an Organisation - clicking the Crew page will give you the option to submit an application to join an Organisation if they choose to accept new application.

Once Inside an Organisation

The leader of an Organisation will have slightly enhanced options in the crew page than that of their members, but the overall feel of the Crew page remains the same, below describes the different tabs that you will encounter.

Also once inside an Organisation you will have access to a new page, the Crew Forum, A private space just for your fellow members.

Home Tab

Here you will see the value of the organisations bank account, the most recent or current period in terms of Revenue Scoring and your personal contribution to the revenue score.

Members Tab

A list of all of the members of the organisation and when they joined. Some small green icons may be present against the names of a member, this indicates the special privileges available to be granted to each member by the leader. The green icon is illuminated if the privilege has been given. By default, the leader has all privileges.

The privileges able to be granted are;

  • Money -Will be able to see ledgers, journal, and able to give cash.
  • Vote -Will be able to see applications, leave comments, and vouch.
  • Information -Will be able to edit quote, image, news, application, and send mass messages.
  • Successor -Will become Leader if eligible and highest ranked when there is no Leader.

The Capo (Crews) and Leader (Gangs) will be able to kick members out from this tab or select to make a member the new Capo or Leader.

It is also here whereby those with money privileges can give money from the organisations bank account to members.

All members have the option of donating to the bank account of their organisation.

Applications Tab

View the applications submitted to join your organisation. Capos, Leaders and those with the Vote privilege will be able to see applications, leave comments and vouch. Only Capos and Leaders can accept someone into the organisation.

Ledgers Tab

The ledgers tab shows the information relating to Revenue Scoring, it can be viewed in several different ways by cycling the tabs. This helps crew management ensure their members are contributing. Only the Capos, Leaders and those with the Money tab will see the information breakdown.

Journal Tab

This tab shows the money going in and out of the organisations bank account. Only the Capos, Leaders and those with the Money tab will see the information breakdown.

Alterations Tab

This tab is available to Capos and Leaders only, it is where leaders can pay to upgrade their gang to a crew. You can also amend the icon or colour assigned to your organisation and change the name of the organisation. You can also open recruiting to new members.

Information Tab

Amend your organisations profile picture, quote and application status. You can also send out mass messages and create a crew news blog. Capos, Leaders and those with the Information privilege can amend the information.

Leave Crew

If you choose to leave a crew, you will be marked as an Oath Betrayer, this causes you to lose your protection, be able to be searched more quickly by a Private Investigators and be Whacked for less bullets. The effect will last for 24 hours upon leaving the crew. A Capo can also choose to mark you as an Oath betrayer when they kick you.