
From Bootleggers Wiki

Important in game currency


Gold is a powerful currency in Bootleggers, predominately because, unlike cash it is perfectly safe to hold in infinite volumes and is unaffected upon death. Gold is linked to your email address and therefore you can freely use it on all of your account names linked to your email.

Gold is typically the preferred currency for player to player transactions for properties.

Players may wish to buy and sell gold for cash, this can be done in Escrow, but it is much simpler and faster to use the Marketplace.

Use Gold

In this tab you will see the 6 options you have to use gold to the benefit of your character, for example by resetting your Organized Crime timer.


Gold is the currency available to purchase for real money, this can be achieved via PayPal. There are several purchase options available.


Every time you use, sell or buy gold you will see a history of the transactions here.


Gold can transfer between rounds, depending on its purchase date in comparison to a new round beginning. This tab will allow you to pull all gold into a new round that is elegible.


This tab takes you to the Marketplace page.