Revenue Scoring

From Bootleggers Wiki

Crew competition for large prizes


Crews and gangs are able to take part in revenue scoring competitions which are split into “periods” Members can contribute to their organisations score by generating revenue using the following features;

Members scores will only start to contribute 12 hours after joining the crew.


The length of a revenue scoring period typically lasts 3 weeks. You can see the current dates of an active period on the Crew page.

You can see the current period score and previous period scores of your own crew also on the Crew page.

You can see the current score and previous scores for all crews on the Statistics page.

Crew Capos and those with the appropriate permissions can also see a breakdown of the score by member in the Crew page.


Organisations compete for fabulous prizes that are awarded the minute that the period ends and are automatically split equally between all members.

Prizes are paid in either gold or cash dependant on the final position on the leaderboard.

The organisation that comes in first place receives a trophy that is shown on the crew profile under the trophy cabinet tab.

The first place crew also receives a 36 hour winners effect immediately applied upon winning the period, the effect colours everyone in the crew Gold on the Users Online page as well as providing the members special perks for the duration of the effect.