
From Bootleggers Wiki

Buy and sell booze for profits

Buying Booze

Different Cities have different types of booze available for you to purchase. You'll see which are available to buy on the Bootlegging screen. The prices fluctuate somewhat.

To purchase, simply type in the number of crates you wish to buy and click complete transaction. The amount of crates you can buy is limited by two factors; the capacity of the vehicle (Cars) you are currently driving and the amount left you are allowed to purchase, represented in the orange bar. A cool down is applied after you purchase.

Transporting Booze

After purchasing booze, you must transport it to another City in order for it to be sellable. Move from your current city to your destination city by using the Travel page.

The amount of booze you decide to transport carries some risk; For travel risk, it's half of the percent over the safe travel limit.

For example, if you can safely carry 200 crates and have 300 crates, that'd put you 100 crates over, or 50% over. Half of that is 25%, so the travel risk is 25%.

Carrying double, 400/200 crates, would put you 50% risk (100% over limit / 2).

Carrying triple, 600/200 crates, would put you at full 100% risk (200% over limit / 2).

Selling Booze

Different Cities have different types of booze available for you to sell. You'll see which are available to buy on the Bootlegging screen. The prices fluctuate somewhat.

To sell your transported crates, you can either type the number of crates you wish to sell, or select the sell all button and then click complete transaction.

If the state that you are selling your booze in is controlled by a crew, that crew will earn a 10% cut of your booze price and your crew/gang will earn a further 10%. Meaning if you were in a Crew that held the state, your crew would earn a 20% cut from the booze that you sell.

Dropping Booze

Note that it is possible to drop the booze from your car by clicking "(Drop Booze)" under your inventory on the Bootlegging page to be able to select the number of crates you want to drop.

Negotiating Prices

There is an option on the page to attempt to get a better purchase or sale price for your booze, choose to attempt to amend the prices either higher or lower.

Moonshine Still

As well as buying, transporting and selling booze, you can also make your own Moonshine, you will have a walkthrough of this by completing the initial Missions. You setup a still which continually creates Moonshine in one city. If you aren't in that city, the bottom of the bootlegging page will tell you where your Still is.

If you are in the same city as your still you will have options to interact with it, you can start producing moonshine and build up inventory of it (up to a maximum published amount) until you wish to sell. Keep an eye on the fluctuating price to find the right time to sell.