Organized Crime

From Bootleggers Wiki

Group up with other players for a bank robbery

Organised Crime

Four players are required to complete an Organised Crime, and you can partake in one once every eight hours. You can reset your timer with Gold.

There is a few items that can reduce your Organised Crime timers, have a look in the items list for more information.

Organised Crimes give the highest individual payout in terms of rank experience points.

Each OC requires four different positions to be filled, each position has a different cost of the requirements to fill it. The four positions are:

  • Leader - responsible for setting up the crime
  • Explosives Expert
  • Weapons Expert
  • Driver

Note: You can now set the percentage so the four members receive an even split instead of manually inputting the percentage.

The Classifieds Forum is where you will find leaders creating topics looking for a team. Leaders then type in the usernames and % cut they wish to give each member.

Each member once invited and happy with their cut, will purchase their chosen equipment and confirm they are ready to the leader.

Once all four members are ready and online, the leader can then commit the bank robbery, if successful a large cash payout will be given, distributed in % terms as arranged by the leader. The Organised Crime also has a chance to fail, this can sometimes lead to the members losing some health points.