
From Bootleggers Wiki

A place to buy or sell gold

At the market place you can buy or sell gold. The gold marketplace shows the amount of gold on offer with the price per coin. You can enter the amount of gold you wish to purchase then complete the captcha to buy it. To sell gold simply enter the amount of gold you wish to sell, how much per gold you want and the size of the batch players must buy at a single time then list the gold.


The transactions menu allows you to see the history of gold you have sent or purchased in game along with what it was used for or where it was obtained from.


Here you can retrieve gold, which you purchased in the last 45 days. The range timeframe of eligible purchases will be listed here.


The purchase gold menu is where you can buy gold for real money. It may take 2 days for a purchase to be verified if it is the first time you are purchasing gold.

Use Gold

See Gold.