
From Bootleggers Wiki

This page allows you to set preferences and design your publicly facing profile

Profile Tab

Here you can add text and picture links to customise your publicly facing profile. In the quote section you can customise the text by using BB Codes.

You can also choose to display several of the achievements that you have earned.

Friends Tab

Here you can send a friend request to another user, respond to incoming friend requests and remove a friend. You can also tag someone as an enemy; put an @ before their username.

Adding someone as a friend sends a notification and if accepted, highlights that person as orange on your Users Online page. This will also allow you to Chat to them.

Adding someone as an enemy is anonymous and does not send a notification, they are coloured black on your Users Online page.

Account Tab

Here you can change your password and register an email address to your account.

You may also wish to show others the country you are in by showing your flag. This can be removed later if desired.

You also have a number of preferences to choose from, such as hiding your gang affiliation, hearing audio effects and disabling the viewing of pictures in profiles.

You may also choose to suicide your character here, allowing you to restart your account, this required two-factor-authentication using your registered email.

Notifications Tab

There are a number of system generated boot mails that will come to your Mailbox, this page allows you to stop the game from sending you certain types of messages based on your preferences.

Timers Tab

Certain actions in game have a cool down on how often you are able to do them, such as Assignments, in this tab you can choose to apply a number of timers that show the cool down status of each action you select.