
From Bootleggers Wiki

Securely transfer resources with another player

Initiate an escrow

You can only have one escrow transaction with one player at a time, the first step is to initiate the transfer, this can be achieved by typing in the users name in the escrow screen, or using the quick links escrow button on the players Profile.

Finalise the transfer

Once both players have initiated the transfer, they are presented with a screen to select the things they wish to transfer to the other player. Escrow can be used to transfer cash, gold, cars and properties amongst other things.

Once you have finished adding what you want to transfer you can hit finalise, thereby showing the other party what you are transferring.

Agree to the terms

Once both parties have finalised, they will each see the full transfer in terms of what it includes; what you are giving away and what you are receiving in return. Carefully check you are happy with the transaction, if you are, click agree and ownership of the items will transfer.

If at any point up to pressing agree, you or the other party wish to cease the transaction, you can hit cancel.