
From Bootleggers Wiki


Here you will be able to play keno. These casino tables are owned by other players. Any money won or lost will come from or be added to the table owners cash in hand.

If you take all of the owners money, the table will automatically be transferred to you and you will now own the table.

It costs $10,000,000 to pick up a casino. The owner may set a max bet ($2,500 - Unlimited). Owners can see their 24 hour income and total income by visiting their casino and by checking the "casinos" side menu on PC or bottom of the Menu on Mobile. Holding a Casino or other property will cause you to lose Protection.

Game Basics - You will select 10 numbers from a chart of 80. The computer will then randomly select 20 numbers. The more numbers you and the computer have in common, the more you win. You must match at least 5 numbers to win.


  • Matching 5 numbers will pay out your bet x 5
  • Matching 6 numbers will pay out your bet x 24
  • Matching 7 numbers will pay out your bet x 142
  • Matching 8 numbers will pay out your bet x 1,000
  • Matching 9 numbers will pay out your bet x 4,500
  • Matching 10 numbers will pay out your bet x 10,000