
From Bootleggers Wiki


Here you will be able to play roulette. These casino tables are owned by other players. Any money won or lost will come from or be added to the table chip supply.

If you take all of the chip supply, the table will automatically be transferred to you and you will now own the table.

Due to the chip system you are given a 5 minute grace period after winning or purchasing a roulette table to deposit chips into the table before other players are able to play on it.

It costs $10,000,000 to pick up a casino. The owner may set a max bet ($2,500 - Unlimited). Owners can see their 24 hour income and total income by visiting their casino and by checking the "casinos" side menu on PC or bottom of the Menu on Mobile. Holding a Casino or other property will cause you to lose Protection.

If you transfer a roulette to another player via Escrow, all money that is in the table will automatically be taken out of it when the transaction is completed.

Game Basics - You can bet on specific colors, rows, columns, numbers, or a combination of these. Each category has different odds of winning. To bet you will place your chips on as many different categories as you wish, however, only 25 chips can be placed on any one spot. Once you place your bet, the wheel will spin and will randomly land on one of the numbers. Depending on which number the wheel landed on will determine how much you won or lost.


  • Placing your chips on numbers 0 to 36 will pay out your bet x 36
  • Placing your chips on either odd, even, red, black, 1-18 or 19-36 will pay out your bet x 2
  • Placing your chips on either columns 1 to 3 or the 1st to 3rd dozen will pay out your bet x 3
  • Placing your chips on 2 numbers (split) will pay out your bet x 18
  • Placing your chips on 4 numbers (corner) will pay out your bet x 9
  • Placing your chips on any 3 horizontal numbers i.e. 1, 2, 3 (street) will pay out your bet x 12
  • Placing your chips on any 6 numbers from 2 horizontal rows i.e. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 (six) will pay out your bet x 6