Bust Parties

From Bootleggers Wiki

Player to player competitions for who can bust out the most inmates

Please see the Jail page for more information.

Bust parties are hosted by players in the Game Forum. Hosting a bust party will cost $5,000 to start and donations can be made to the pot by going to the Local Bank and sending money to the pot account or by clicking on the pot account in the game forum topic. Gold can also be pledged to the bust party. The host may disallow donations and self busting if they choose. The host also decides when to start the bust party and if their busting stats will be displayed. Bust parties are held in the City in which the player was in when they created the bust party. Once a bust party begins the host can enter jail for a random amount of time by clicking the button at bottom of the jail page titled "Put me in jail". Once a bust party has concluded, the host may choose which method to distribute the pot by visiting their game forum topic.

Users appear as green if they are hosting a bust party.