Crew Forum

From Bootleggers Wiki

A private forum just for your gang or crew mates

Adding a topic

Click the "Add topic" button to create a new thread in the forum, you can add a subject and body of the message. You can also choose to add Bust Parties or Uno selecting the check box.

Locking a topic

You can find the privileges button at the bottom of the page, while inside your own topic, you have the option to lock your topic, thereafter disallowing replies on it. Locked topics appear to all with a gold padlock symbol next to the title.

Watching a topic

If you wish to keep a topic at the top of the forum, you can select to watch it, while viewing the topic, click the watch button. Watched topics will have a blue magnifying glass symbol next to them. This can be reversed by clicking the topic and now selecting unwatch.

Searching a topic

There is a search bar at the bottom of the page which can be used to search the subject line of a topic.